
email confirmation

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For your application to be approved you must open the email I just sent you and click on the link it contains.

This is to verify that the email address you have provided is correct.



For it to work you have to do it within 5 minutes. If you don’t do it in that time you won’t be able to subscribe.

But don’t worry, we are here to sort it out together and make sure you can join the energy saving community.

First, be sure to check your inbox and see if you have received the confirmation email. If it’s not there, don’t panic, sometimes it can go to the spam folder or the «Social» and «Promotions» sections. If you find the email in those sections, get me out of there and move it to your main inbox.

If you use Apple Mail or another email client that automatically deletes messages, I recommend that you use another option to receive our confirmation email.

If you still can’t find the confirmation email, it’s possible that an error was made in typing the email address. In that case, please re-subscribe and make sure you entered your email address correctly.

If you are using a corporate email address, there may be security restrictions that prevent the delivery of the email. In that case, we recommend that you sign up with a personal email address.

If after following all these recommendations you still don’t receive the confirmation email, don’t worry. There may be a high traffic of subscribers at the moment, and that could cause a delay in the delivery of the mail. In most cases, the mail arrives within a few minutes, but in times of high demand, it could take up to a couple of hours.

If even after all this, you still haven’t received the confirmation mail, don’t despair. Write to asesoriaenergetica@todosobretuseguro.com and I will be happy to help you manually.

Don’t miss the opportunity to join this community and start saving energy like a real pro!


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